The Asian Arts in Public Spaces Project was conceived as a way to raise awareness of Asian arts by bringing them into the daily lives of the general public in a way that is not limited only to those who seek them out. Small, but colourful and attention-catching installations with descriptive labels on Asian arts and cultural themes, starting with objects from the CSAA “Masks of the Asia Pacific” collection, will be offered to a variety of public spaces directly into the public eye.
This project will involve outreach not only to other non-profit organizations, but will be an opportunity to explore new avenues of collaboration with corporations and businesses around the region that serve the general public.
Asian Folk Masks
Nine Asian folk masks (from India, Singapore, Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Maylaysia) from CSAA’s permanent collection along with the text panel are installed at the Asia Pacific, Trade and Investment Division, Ministry of Technology, Trade and Economic Development Office in downtown Vancouver in 2009.