Tree of Life (2017)
Batik: Expressions of Identity (2016)
Mingei: Japan’s Enduring Folk Arts (2015)
Rice is Life (2007-2008)
Ink Dance – Yim Tse: A Half Century of Calligraphy (2023)
Dragon Jars & Lotus Bowls: Asian Ceramics from the Jean MacKay Fahrni Collection (2019)
The Art of the Brush: A Retrospective Exhibition of Calligraphy by Yim Tse (2019)
Sunken Treasures: Asian Ceramics (2018)
Voices in the Smoke: Chinese Woodblock Prints (2016)
All About Blue (1999)
Clay & Cloth: A Celebration of Life and Death in Borneo (1994)
Blue and White Faience of Europe (1992)
Six Ancient Capitals of China (1986)
Patterns of Persia (1979)
Chinese Snuff Bottles (1977)
Within the Potter’s House (1976)
The Talking Jars (1971)