Members of the CSAA are hereby notified that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held
3:30 – 5:00pm, Thursday, February 12th, 2015
The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver Museum
555 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 3V6

You are invited to attend the Society’s AGM,
to be held in conjunction with the exhibit
Interwoven Stories: Textiles, Costumes, Cultures –
A Multicultural Fest, at the CCC Museum, 2nd Floor.
Jean Kares, the textile specialist and Curator of Interwoven Stories, will
offer an engaging talk and tour of selected Asian textiles.
Light refreshments will be served.
After the AGM and talk, at 5pm members are welcome to meet for a delicious no-host dinner
Szechuan Chongqing Bistro,
88 West Pender Street
Unit 2029 (International Village)
Vancouver, BC V6B 6N9
The agenda for the meeting includes presentation of CSAA Reports and Financial Statements as well as election of Directors.
CSAA members in good standing are invited to vote on Society business. Please remember to renew your membership in advance of the meeting to ensure your active voting status.
Questions regarding the Annual General Meeting may be directed to:
Margo Palmer 604 266 6298
Jan Walls 604 317 0135
or at